
Friday youth programs starting at Mancos Public Library

The Mancos Public Library is partnering with Mancos School School District RE-6 to offer the activities for students. The school district follows a four-day school week.
The educational programs will be offered every Friday starting Sept. 17

The Mancos Public Library is positioning itself as a focal point for youths on Fridays with the launch of weekly educational programs beginning Sept. 17.

The library is partnering with Mancos School School District RE-6 to offer the activities for students. The school district follows a four-day school week.

Children in pre-K through eighth grade are invited to sign up by noon Wednesday of the week(s) they wish to participate.

Erin Bohm from the library is heading the Friday programs, and said that they are “part of our broader outreach for the community.”

“I see these as enrichment programs,” she said.

While the initiative is run by the library, the school district is sharing funding responsibilities, Bohm said.

The library will be a “safe community environment,” she said.

Young minds will be able to engage in a range of activities in the realms of science, reading, arts, crafts and engineering.

The activities are scheduled in blocks, and children will be able to choose what they want to participate in.

Powerhouse Science Center will lead interactive science experiments and demonstrations from 9:30-10:30 a.m, and Montezuma Youth Alliance will guide reading activities from 10:30 to 11:30.

From 12:30 to 2 p.m., the library will host a building and creating block, and from 1 to 3 p.m., seven to 12-year-olds can create in a Lego lab. In addition to building projects, they will be able to use a Lego laptop to practice coding. The library hopes to form an official, competitive Lego League team.

The programs will be held outdoors whenever possible, Bohm said.

There will be a break for lunch in between which will be provided to children free of charge.

“Food insecurity really comes to light when there’s no school Friday,” Bohm said.

While she’s never been an official schoolteacher, Bohm said that she’s been an ‘informal teacher’ for years.

“I’ve taught lots of kids about lots of things,” she said. “It’s in my skill set to recognize what concepts are at the forefront of an age range.”

While the school district is endorsing the library’s Friday programs, any children from the community are welcome to participate, she said.

Parents can register by emailing Bohm at

If the Friday events draw many participants, the programs may be divided by age group.

“For now, we’re one big happy family,” Bohm said.