Four sentenced for alcohol offenses in Montezuma County

Montezuma County Court Judge JenniLynn Lawrence sentenced four people on April 25 in connection with alcohol-related driving offenses.

Gregory McCook was sentenced to 70 days in jail in connection with a third alcohol-related driving offense. He also will be required to complete three years of probation and 75 hours of public service, and pay a $300 fine.Linda Conkling was sentenced to 10 days in jail in connection with a second DUI offense. Lawrence awarded her two days credit for time already served. Conkling also will be required to complete two years of probation and 60 hours of public service, as well as pay a $600 fine.Jarrod Coppock was granted a one-year deferred sentencing judgment in connection with a first DUI offense. He will be required to complete 48 hours of public serviceWyatt Jeter was handed a one-year probation sentence in connection with a first DUI offense. He also will have to pay a $600 fine and complete 48 hours of public service.