
Forest Service seeks public comment on Chimney Rock National Monument fee proposal

San Juan National Forest has proposed changes to the management, operations and fee structure associated with Chimney Rock National Monument.

Significant capital improvements, coupled with increased visitation and other changed conditions, point to the need for the forest to assume greater responsibility for site management. The changes are in line with agency guidance, Recreation Enhancement Act parameters for fee collections and management practices at comparable parks and monuments.

Under this proposal, the San Juan National Forest would assume responsibility for most site operations by hiring a dedicated workforce devoted to providing visitor information, facility maintenance, resource protection, shuttle transportation and other visitor services.

Fees would be changed, and revenue would be retained by the forest to fund operation and maintenance costs. Currently, fees are collected and retained by San Juan National Forest’s partner, Chimney Rock Interpretive Association, and cost $12 to $16 for adult and $6 to $8 for children. Under this proposal, visitors would be assessed a $20 per vehicle fee and a $10 per motorcycle fee valid for five days. Interagency, Access, Senior, Military, and 4th-Grade passes would be honored.

Submit feedback through Sept. 30 to rangers at the monument. Comment cards and additional information are available. Comments may also be submitted in person at any San Juan National Forest office, online at, by email to or by mail to US Forest Service, Chimney Rock Fee Proposal, PO Box 310, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.

For more information, contact Paul Blackman at or 264-1505.

For information on current fire restrictions, conditions, and recreation opportunities on the San Juan National Forest, call (970) 247-4874, visit the forest website, or follow us on social media (Twitter and Facebook).