
Forest Service is hiring summer 2020 and temporary positions

The Journal

The San Juan National Forest fire program and Columbine Ranger District are hiring summer 2020 and temporary positions. Temporary positions and cannot exceed six months.

The fire program is filling 2020 summer seasonal temporary positions at all San Juan National Forest offices, including on engines, helitack, hand crews, wildland fire module, hot shots, fuels crews, lookout, tanker base and dispatch.

The Columbine Ranger District in Bayfield is hiring for recreation jobs, wilderness ranger, developed recreation, trail crew, range jobs, range technicians and biological technicians.

The San Juan Supervisor’s Office in Durango is hiring for forestry jobs, reforestation surveying and stand exam inspection.

Applicants must apply at Announcements will close at midnight Sept. 30.

The U.S. Forest Service will host two webinars from 9 to 10 a.m. Sept. 11 and from 5 to 6 p.m. Sept. 18. To join, call (888) 844-9904 with access code 2650892# or visit

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