
First United Methodist Church of Cortez and Native Grace Intertribal Fellowship lead Navajo COVID Relief Project

The Journal

The Navajo COVID Relief Project, led by First United Methodist Church of Cortez and Native Grace Intertribal Fellowship, is providing food, cleaning supplies, personal care items, potatoes and water to elders on the Navajo Nation in the Southeast corner of Utah (Montezuma Creek, Aneth, Rat Mesa and Monument Valley).

The project started with a $15,000 Disaster Relief Grant from the Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church, and is also supported by donors from Colorado, Utah and seven other states. The project donations have already exceeded $40,000.

Christ UMC in Salt Lake City has been a strong partner in the project, sending financial support as well as supplies, particularly for infants and families. Diné members of Native Grace Fellowship are delivering the supplies directly to homes on the reservation.

To date, 200 households have receive food and supplies, with 100 additional homes every week. The project will continue as long as there is funding available. Donations may be sent to First UMC of Cortez, P.O. Box 1016, Cortez, CO 81321.