
FFA service project

One of the three classes that made fleece blankets. Back row, left to right: Kacey Bennett (District 3 treasurer), Casey Alexander, Ben Harris, Tylor Holaday, Chase Suckla, Zach Tucker, Elisabeth Hoch, Kayla Hageman, Frankie Gonzales, Jerica Jackson (District 3 secretary) and Lorianne Stevens (District 3 vice president). Middle row left to right: Shandi Fitchett, Whitney Finley, Laycee Jones, Chantell Ford, Tierney Wilson, Clay Cote, Cheyenne Stice and Jennifer McDonald. Front row left to right: Willie Clark, Eva Crouch, LuCretia Gray, Kylee Syra, Shiloh Knuckles and Joseph Liberto.

On Thursday, Dec. 12, Cortez FFA members participated in a districtwide project making blankets for the Bridge Emergency Shelter. Three agricultural education classes at M-CHS made nine fleece blankets. District 3 FFA President Tierney Wilson came up with the idea for the project because of the cold weather and statistics about homelessness in southwestern Colorado.