
‘Feels eerily like precursor to Germany’s ultimate invasion’

Slightly more than two years ago, Russian military troops invaded Ukraine. Thus far, the U.S. and many other countries have provided billions of dollars in aid to the Ukrainian people.

The European Union leads in overall aid and the U.S. is the major military contributor. Ukraine’s population is roughly 17% of that of Russia. Its military is overwhelmingly outspent and outmanned.

Ukraine is bordered by several of our NATO allies. Currently, additional aid for Ukraine is blocked in the U.S. House, despite bipartisan support that would pass both the House and Senate.

Why should we in America care about Ukraine, the EU and NATO? The European Union, mainly an economic organization, is the largest trading partner of manufactured goods and services in the world. Of the 32 countries that belong to NATO, 27 are members of the EU. The U.S. is a large partner in international economics, vital to our own national economy.

NATO was created following World War II to prevent future global wars by uniting to preserve the integrity of each nation. It continues to be our most important military alliance. Continued appeasement and concessions to Russian aggression feels eerily like the precursor to Germany’s ultimate invasion of Western Europe.

Ukrainian people face an existential threat to their freedom. Russian occupation will mean a total loss of freedom for mothers, fathers, grandparents, children – people just like us. Morally and for economic, security and military reasons, additional aid to Ukraine must proceed before it is too late.

Myriam Palmer
