An open letter to Gov. Polis. The La Plata County Farm Bureau Board of Directors vehemently opposes the appointment of Dr. Rebecca Niemic as Director of the Bureau of Animal Protection. We believe we speak on behalf of the majority of Colorado producers of animal agriculture.
Niemic is a radical advocate opposing animal agriculture and has partnerships with animal-rights activists groups. Niemic is an advocate for the introduction of wolves into areas where many of our members farm, ranch and care for livestock.
She is currently leading a half-million dollar National Science Foundation grant in partnership with the City of Boulder and Mercy for Animals, focused on promoting plant-based food choices.
We believe that her past activities along with her current partnerships speak loudly and we also believe that someone who advocated so strongly for causes that could have detrimental consequences to animal production is not acceptable as director of the Bureau of Animal Protection.
Just a few weeks ago, Ellen Kessler, state Board of Veterinary Medicine, resigned for making disparaging remarks about farmers and ranchers. Agriculture producers warned against her nomination, fearing that she would do exactly what she did. Why appoint someone who is even more radical as director of the Bureau of Animal Protection?
One year ago, you declared a "Meat Out Day," which was met with unprecedented opposition from agriculture producers and their friends resulting in Polis’ apology. Why bring this same kind of wrath not only on yourself but on the agriculture industry with the appointment of Niemic as Director of the Bureau of Animal Protection?
We respectfully ask you to rescind the appointment of Niemic as director of the Bureau of Animal Protection.
J. Paul Brown