Fairgrounds grandstand roof bid accepted

Mr. Concrete and Construction, of Cortez, has been awarded the contract for constructing a roof over the outdoor grandstands at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds.

The successful bid was $245,227. Construction is expected to begin after the fair and finish up by December.

“It will be really nice. The crowd will be in the shade and be kept dry and comfortable during events,” said fairgrounds manager Tanner Young.

Lighting will also be installed, but that will be a separate bid process, Young said.

The improvement costs are being paid for in part by a $75,000 grant from the Department of Local Affairs and a $35,000 contribution from the Ute Mountain Roundup Rodeo organization.

“There has been an big increase in use at the fairgrounds, and this will make it even more attractive for additional events,” said Slim McWilliams, a rodeo board member. “Some years during the rodeo you will see people leave during rain, but now they can stay and enjoy the event.”

Eventually, restrooms and concessions will be added to the main outdoor arena.

“The roof, lighting and improvements sets us up for more high-dollar events such as outdoor concerts in the evening,” Tanner said.

Last year was the fairground’s biggest year, bringing in 59,508 visitors. This year, the sprawling event center, with its 2,888-capacity grandstands, indoor and outdoor arenas, and racetrack, is poised to break that record.

“We’re in the 43,000 range for attendance this year, and that is not counting the total fair numbers,” Tanner said.

Mr. Concrete’s owner, Mickey Rule, is the son of former county commissioner Larrie Rule.
