Dolores County Sheriff Don Wilson wins second term

Early results are in for the Dolores County election.
Challenger Linda Yellowman wins Dolores County commission race; retail marijuana voted down

In the Dolores County election, incumbent Sheriff Don Wilson won another term, attracting 818 votes to challenger Mike Steele’s 445 votes, or 64.8% to 35.2%.

Linda Yellowman won the Dolores County Commissioner seat earning 664 votes, compared to incumbent Julie Kibel’s 600 votes, or 52.5% to 47.5%.

Voter turnout for Dolores county was 76.5%, with 1,299 ballots returned out of 1,698 registered voters.

For county assessor, unaffiliated candidate Amber Blackmore won over Republican Christy Cressler by a vote of 849 to 405.

To retain Dolores County Judge Nathaniel Baca, 748 voted yes, and 317 voted no, according to unofficial final returns.

On the three ballot measures, the results were as follows.

  • For Dolores County Ballot Issue 1A, 632 voted yes, and 599 had voted no. The measure asks voter approval for a lodging tax to support local workforce.
  • For Dolores County Ballot Issue 1B, 784 voted no and 460 voted yes. The measure asks voters for approval of a 2.9% countywide retail sales tax.
  • For Dolores County Ballot Issue 5A, 812 voted yes, and 453 voted no. The measure from Dolores County School District RE-2J asks for approval of a mill levy increase and bonding needed to match a state grant. The funding would be used to construct an elementary school building, maintain and improve Memorial Hall Gymnasium, and to remove the existing elementary school building and old high school building behind Memorial Hall.
  • For Town of Dove Creek Ballot Issue 2A, 192 voted yes and 172 voted no. The measure asked for a city sales tax of 1% to pay for streets and capital improvements and parks and recreation.
Dove Creek marijuana question

The town of Dove Creek asked voters to legalize marijuana facilities and levy taxes on the product.

  • On Dove Creek Ballot Question Issue 2A: Retail Marijuana Sales Tax, 192 voted yes, and 172 voted no.
  • On Dove Creek Ballot Question Issue 2B: Unprocessed Marijuana Excise Tax, 188 voted no, and 176 voted yes.
  • On Dove Creek Ballot Question 2C: Retail Marijuana Occupation Tax, 191 voted no, and 171 voted yes.
  • On Dove Creek Ballot Question 2D: Allow Marijuana Facilities in Dove Creek, 215 voted no, and 152 voted yes.