
Downtown projects in the works

Small steps add up, says administrator

Agriculture and art are two industries with inextricable ties to Mancos, and the town is working on a few downtown beautification projects that honors them both.

On June 13, local ranchers are invited to bring their branding irons to decorate five large wooden wine barrels that the leadership wants to repurpose as decorative planters. When completed, the planters will placed along Grand Avenue.

In addition to the decorative planters, plans are in the works to install benches as well as a bike rack, a decorative standing rack, donated to the town by a Durango artist. There are also plans to place some vintage farm equipment in the GMC lot. Town Administrator Andrea Phillips said at a recent Creative District Steering committee meeting that among the equipment donated for the project is a road grater from 1892 and a tractor from 1928.

The Mancos Chamber of Commerce is also working in conjunction with the town on installing informational kiosks, to be funded with lodger's tax funds. One is planned for the GMC lot; the other, for Boyle Park.

Pending town board approval, the Chamber also wants to place decorative wayfinder signs to help point visitors to notable landmarks and public places.

Viewed individually, the projects appear small, but they're all designed to help establish a cohesive visual identity for the town and putting its best face forward to visitors, Phillips said.

"I believe that it is very important to provide clear direction to visitors on how to access the town's important places. Downtown beautification, such as planters, bike racks, benches and information are important to provide a comfortable and positive visitor and resident experience," said Phillips.

Saturday's Branding Party is to be held at the GMC lot at Main and Grand Ave., across from the Absolute Bakery from 4 to 7 p.m.

For more information, contact Bo Hawkins, 739-6613.