Dolores Seniors host donation sale

Dolores Star/Jim Mimiaga<br><br>Jeane and Jim Koenig, of Dolores, drop off items at the senior citizens White Elephant Sale. The ongoing fundraiser is held Wednesdays and Fridays from 11-1 at the Dolores Community Center. Donations of crafts, knick-knacks, art, and unique items are being sought.

While spring cleaning, put aside the unwanted bric-a-brac, crafts, knick-knacks, books, and forgotten artwork and bring them to the Dolores Community Center.

The items will be sold as part of a White Elephant sale to raise money for the Dolores Senior Citizens.

"Our funds are running low to cover our activity costs, so this is a way people can help," said Marilyn Volm, secretary-treasurer.

The sale takes place every Wednesday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Dolores Community Center.

A White Elephant sale is a rummage-sale tradition where a buyer donates what he or she thinks the item is worth.

"There are no prices, just give what you can," Volm said. "We've found people are more generous when they come up with the price. Plus, we don't have to put price stickers on everything."

The sale coincides with the senior lunch. Drop off donated items between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Volm adds the sale targets spring cleaning, which always unearths long-forgotten, but valuable items people may want to donate instead of having a yard sale.

"We brought in some books, coffee cups, a purse," says Dolores resident Jeane Koenig. "Everyone has stuff they don't need, just sitting in boxes."

For more information about Dolores Senior Citizens call 882-7337.