
Dolores Ranger District plans to burn slash piles

A slash pile burns along Colorado Highway 184.

The Journal

The San Juan Forest Dolores Ranger District plans to burn slash piles generated from forest thinning and timber sales in the Chicken Creek, Spring Creek, Taylor Mesa and Lake Canyon areas. Although burning could continue through April, these activities should not affect public access or use of the forest. Operations typically take place after snowfall occurs, and firefighters will ignite and closely monitor pile-burning activities.

In the Chicken Creek area, seven miles north of Mancos, piles may be burned near FSR 385, 2 miles northeast of Joe Moore Reservoir. Piles may also be burned adjacent to Joe Moore Reservoir along FSR 693. Smoke may be visible from Colorado Highway 184.

In the Haycamp Mesa area, piles may be burned near FSR 556 and 556.D, south of Beef Pasture Reservoir. Smoke may be visible from Colorado 184.

In the Spring Creek area, 12 miles north of Mancos, piles may be burned near FSR 327 and 382. Smoke may be visible from Colorado 184.

In the Taylor Mesa Area, eight miles northeast of the confluence of the Dolores and West Dolores Rivers, piles may be burned near FSR 547 and Fox Den Creek. Smoke may be visible along Colorado 145.

In the Lake Canyon Area, 10 miles east of Dove Creek, piles may be burned near FSR 504/505 near Big Water Spring, FSR 509 near Glade Point and FSR 506 near Cow Canyon. Smoke may be visible from U.S. Highway 491.

For more information, contact the Dolores District Office at 882-7296.