
Dolores Ranger District asks visitors to remain clear of timber operations in Chicken Creek area

Timber sale activities resume in Chicken Creek area

San Juan National Forest Dolores Ranger District will resume timber sale activities in the Chicken Creek area Monday.

The Lost Turkey timber sale is intended to increase forest resiliency, reduce the risk of high-severity wildfires and provide wood products for commercial uses.

Harvest operations will be in the Lost Turkey sale northeast of the Chicken Creek parking lot in the vicinity of the Little Bauer Loop.

Visitors should expect to see and hear equipment associated with the timber sale, including trucks and large harvesting equipment. No closures of trails or roads are anticipated unless there is a risk to public safety. Visitors are urged to remain clear of any timber operations.

Timber sale activity in the Lost Turkey sale is anticipated to last into the summer.

For more information, contact Kevin Mcalpin at 882-6865.