
Dolores Public Library to return to public closure

Curbside service will be available
The Dolores Public Library has closed to the public, but staff will be available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday to answer telephone calls and provide curbside service

Beginning Nov. 18, Dolores Public Library closed to the public until further notice as a result of Montezuma County’s recent move to Level Orange on the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment dial.

Staff will be available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday to answer telephone calls and provide curbside service for delivery of library materials.

The library will still offer access to books, DVDs, audiobooks and educational resources via curbside service. Patrons may place holds on library materials through the online catalog at, by email at or by phone at 882-4127.

All available materials will be placed for contactless pickup on a cart in front of the library. Take-and-make youth activities will also continue to be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Notification of available orders will come by email, text or phone.

Returned items will only be accepted through the library’s outdoor book drop. All materials will be quarantined for one day before becoming available again. No book donations will be accepted during the library’s closure, fines and fees will continue to be waived, and public access Wi-Fi will remain on 24/7.