Dolores peewee wrestling results

Twenty-seven Dolores wrestlers place in Farmington

Competing in Farmington on March 21, 37 members of the Dolores peewee wrestling team competed against opponents from the Four Corners area. Below are the names of the 27 wrestlers who placed in the top-four.

First place: Kendrick MacPherson, River Wickstrom, Ian Begay, Ayden Sanders, Evan Woody, Zander Eichner, Dillon Eichner, Tristan Grooms, Ryder Higgins.

Second place: Tyshaun Begay, Teagus Somora, T.J. Adie, Brett Spore, Amadeo Martinez, Zane Eichner, Eugene Dunston, Xayvier Foster

Third place: Daniel Jacket, Jonah Ritter, Bodie Stiegelmeyer, Ethen Robson, Airoughn VanGrandt, Austin Featherman

Fourth place: Cash Rogers Alex Sanders, Nicholas Martinez, J.J. Robson

Next up for the Dolores peewee wrestling team will be a home tournament, which will take place in Dolores on Feb. 28.