
Dolores completes revised land use code, passes 2022 budget

A revised land use code for Dolores is completed and will be voted on Feb. 14. (Journal file)
Town board election is April 5; law enforcement contract adds third deputy

A proposed revision of the Dolores land use code has been completed, and public hearings are scheduled before a final decision is made.

On Jan. 11 at 6:30 p.m. the planning commission will hold a public hearing on the revised code. A motion will follow to either recommend town board approval, recommend approval with changes or recommend denial.

On Jan. 24 at 6:30 p.m., the town board will hold a first reading of the adoption of the revised land use code.

Nov 23, 2021
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On Feb. 14, the town board will hold a public hearing on the new code, followed by a board vote for final approval, approval with changes, or to delay the approval pending further changes.

The entire draft revised land use code is posted on the town of Dolores website at

A power point is also posted online that highlights the major proposed changes to the land use code. The Power Point will also be presented during the first reading at the Jan. 24 town board meeting.

The land use code review and update process began in 2019 by the planning commission and consultant Elizabeth Garvin. The town board has been reviewing updates and providing input. Public meetings were held and comments could be submitted online.

Other Dolores news
  • The board approved a resolution for the 2022 contract for law enforcement in Dolores with the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office. The contract is for $200,000 and includes a third deputy.
  • The town board voted to adopt the 2022 budget, which is posted online.
  • The board reported it are seeking a replacement for Municipal Judge James Shaner, who has retired.
  • Town manager Ken Charles reported the town has applied for emergency management grant for two projects. The projects are to reinstall the emergency siren in town to warn of floods and to purchase a backup generator to support the town water system.
  • On April 5, there will be an election for open positions on the town board, including the mayor and three board seats. Terms are up for Mayor Chad Wheelus and board members Tracy Murphy, Jen Stark and Melissa Waters. Candidate packets can be picked up at Town Hall starting Jan. 4 and must be turned in by Jan. 24.
  • Town meetings are now archived and available to view on the town’s YouTube channel. The town board has agreed to contribute $16,000 toward the new Community Intervention Program created by Montezuma County.
  • The town board has agreed to contribute $16,000 toward the new Community Intervention Program created by Montezuma County.

The CIP is a collaborative effort by area towns and the county to fund a mental health practitioner and a paramedic to respond to noncriminal calls for emergency service within the county. The new program will offer community members low barrier access to behavioral health resources and other community supports.

The county has issued an request for proposals for the mental health position and Cortez Fire Protection District will provide the EMTs. The CIP team will respond to welfare checks, suicide prevention and intervention, conflict resolution, familial support, homelessness support and resourcing, first aid, and non-emergency medical referral.

First year funding is being shared between Dolores, Mancos, Cortez and the county, and is derived from American Recovery Program Act funds distributed to local governments. State and federal grants would be sought to continue the program beyond the first year.