
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Sept. 7, 1934, pages of the Dolores Star

A fire which threatened destruction of the entire plant of the New Mexico Lumber Mfg. Co., at McPhee partly destroyed the dry kiln and caused about ten thousand dollars damage last Saturday. The blaze was first noticed at the noon hour while all the men were away to dinner and shortly the entire roof of the dry kiln was in flames. Prompt action on part of the mill employees and the operation of the sprinkler system saved the building being a total loss and prevented the fire spreading to the planer and the rest of the plant.

Maurice Thomas has accepted a position in the school system at Glenwood Springs, according to information given the Star by the young lady's father, Ross Thomas, of this place. Miss Thomas is a graduate of Dolores High school and State Teachers college, Greeley.

School opened in Dolores with the largest enrollment at the beginning of any term in the history of the school. This is a splendid showing and probably means that there will be more than a hundred pupils in high school this year. The grades are filled also. It is a problem what to do with all the youngsters in some of the rooms.

A persistent report was circulated in Dolores this week that Blondy Pennman, the well known band leader of the Ridgway-Montrose section, had been accidentally shot. Various inquiries convinced the Star editor that there was nothing to the rumor, but to verify the fact we put in a long distance call for Mr. Pennman Wednesday night and soon had him on the wire. He denied that he was dead and that he had been in any sort of accident.

P. A. McCormick and Wm. McCormick have recently been named by the Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., as local distributors for their wares and these men have established a tire depot in Dolores.

The cattle buying program reached the 1,400 mark. Out of the total bought, 117 head were condemned and killed as unfit for human consumption.

Mrs. Minnie Jennings, sister of Mrs. Merta Bradfield, is here this week visiting relatives in Dolores and with the E. H. Boyd family at McPhee.

A. A. Rust and children moved last Monday to the Gray Stone rooms and the George Thornton family moved into the house vacated by the Rusts.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lee and children, of Rico, visited at the Wilber home last Sunday and Monday.

Lyman Milroy, brother of Mrs. T. C. Periman, left Wednesday for his home in Alamosa after a several day visit with the Perimans near McPhee.