
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, April 3, 1934, pages of the Dolores Star

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Thomas went over to Mancos Sunday and there attended a meeting and banquet of the rural carriers of Montezuma County given in honor of John R. Freeman. For many years carrier of one of the Mancos routes, who is retiring from the service. Mr. Freeman began serving as rural carrier out of Mancos Feb. 1, 1906, which was the first route established out of Mancos. He related an interesting account of the various experiences he encountered during his 28 years as rural carrier when he employed saddle horses, single and double buggies, automobiles and sometimes he went on foot, in order to see that the mail was delivered. During his service he estimates he has traveled nearly 200,000 miles.

The County Commissioners granted the sum of $200 to the county chamber of commerce to be used in advertising the resources of this county to the cock-eyed world.

Montezuma County farmers will shortly enjoy the services of a county agent. Such is the result of the action taken at the meeting of the board of commissioners held at Cortez last Monday.

Mrs. Jesse Robinson, wife of the well known rancher of the Bear Creek section of the upper Dolores Valley, died at Cortez Monday following an operation.

Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Clark motored to Mesa Verde last Sunday.

Mrs. Hugh Gaines has been seriously ill this week with chronic appendicitis.

Merl Longwill is erecting a new building in the rear of his yard in the west part of Dolores.

Mrs. Merle Avril and Don McConnell made a business trip to Durango last Friday.

Leroy Roelfs is battling with an attack of flu the last few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Akin and son came in Monday from several weeks at sheep camp.

Last Friday afternoon, Miss Brewster, county nurse, gave a very interesting and worthwhile demonstration at Memorial hall to a large number of high school girls and women of the town. Miss Brewster plans to conduct a class in "How to Care for the Sick" for all high school girls, during the next few years.

Shannon Livick