
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, July 13, 1934 pages of the Dolores Star

Dolores will positively and absolutely celebrate Labor Day. That matter was decided this week when a subscription list was circulated and it was found that a sufficient fund had been pledged to guarantee the success of the enterprise. Details of the program have not been worked out, but it is assured that the entertainment will be better than ever.

Alfred Bume and Miss Eva Akin, town of Dolores' popular younger set, were married more than a year ago, on July 9, 1933, to be exact, according to a definite statement made to a representative of this paper this week. The ceremony was performed at Monticello, Utah. The young people succeeded in keeping the event a secret even to their most intimate friends. Mr. Blume is an industrious young farmer of the Summit Ridge section, while Mrs. Blume is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Akin, of Dolores. The couple are making their home in Dolores, having established their residence on ninth street, where they are at home to their friends.

Pythian Theater has been bringing some most excellent pictures to Dolores, and perhaps the greatest of these is the great Fox production "Stand Up and Cheer," which is to be shown here this week, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The picture is said to have everything that is timely -- comedy, pathos, action, beautiful song numbers, elaborate dance numbers and in short it is one of the greatest pictures ever produced, according to those who have seen it. Pythian Theater is enjoying splendid patronage with large crowds each night.

Owing to the threat of a more serious water shortage, the town board has found it necessary to further curtail the use of town water for irrigation.

Construction work for the new T. H. Akin duplex has been proceeding rapidly under Messrs. Buchanan and Fulcher. The foundation was put in last week and this week the studding is going up. It will begin to look like a house in a very short time.

Mr. and Mrs. Keene McGalliard returned from Denver the first of the week. They were in Dolores Monday on their way to Cortez.

W. H. Ogletrees came down from their summer camp for the weekend.

Lieut and Mrs. Harry Mauz spent Sunday at Mesa Verde National Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Morey Plumlee made a business trip to Durango Thursday.

Bill Harrison of Cortez was in Dolores on business Tuesday of this week.

Fanny Betty Rutherford of Lewis is a guest of Dorothy Shields this week.

Shannon Livick