
Dolores 80 years ago

Local relief work takes new start with 48 men

The local relief work, being carried on under the federal civil works administration, took a new start this week, when the crews were increased to a total of 48 men.

The work on Dunlap Hill, where a number of pick and shovel men are widening the grade, is going on nicely. This work can be carried on almost through the worst kind of weather. The men are making a good showing.

There is a good crew of men at work on the town water system installing new pipe where necessary, plugging leaks and putting the wooden main in the best possible condition. W.B. Ogletree is in charge of this job he knows the pipeline and is getting good results.

A third crew started this week to spreading river gravel on the worst spots in the streets and alleys in town and much good will be accomplished along this line it is believed. George Smith has charge of the Dunlap hill work and the gravel spreading.

Instructions are that only permanent work can be done in the future, and that the men must be kept busy.