
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Nov. 2, 1934, pages of the Dolores Star

B. E. Smith told the Star editor this week that he picked 2,100 boxes of fine Delicious apples from his orchard near Lebanon. He is trucking the fruit to Kansas and getting a good price or it.

On their last check, the Montezuma County Extension Agent said there had been 3,369 cattle purchased by the county at an average price of $12.45 per head. There were 446 head of cattle condemned showing that 12 percent were killed as unfit for human consumption. When the cattle buying program is over the government will have bought all cattle in distressed shape, doing an unmentioned amount of good for this southwest corner of Colorado.

Mrs. R. A. Wilderson has been quite ill for a few days this week.

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Berg and Mrs. J. B. Gelwick were Durango shoppers Saturday.

The Don McEwen family left Thursday for Oregon, where they expect to make their home.

Mrs. John Koenig was down from Rico this week, spending a few days at the Lee Lynton home.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Royce were over Wednesday from their home on Disappointment, getting their winter supplies.

Mrs. Aileene Melrose left last Saturday for Canon City, removing her beauty parlor equipment to that place. Mrs. Melrose had been in Dolores for about two months.

Mrs. W. W. Belmear is again helping in the Exon Mercantile store, after being absent for several days which time she spent in Farmington at the home of her sister.

Joe Brundage left Wednesday for Loveland, where he has been transferred from his work at the Beaver CCC camp as physical director. Mrs. Brundage will be stationed at Lovleand for the winter.

Mrs. W. E. Ratekin and children were overnight guests Stadia at the Charles Lee home, leaving early Sunday morning for Denver where they will make their home. Mrs. Ratekin stated they might be back in the spring.

The Tim Lynch family moved last week into the house belonging to Mrs. Ottie Buck on Fifth street. Saturday the Frank Roelker family moved into the property vacated by the Lynchs, they having purchased this place recently.

The Halloween dance sponsored by the Dolores firemen drew a fair sized crowd Wednesday evening. Music was furnished by Penman's orchestra and dancing wad enjoyed until the small hours of the morning.

Rev. Rd. D. Rudd left Monday morning for Santa Fe, N. M., and was accompanied by Mrs. Mary Exon and son, who went to their home near Santa Fe after spending the past month visiting Mrs. Exon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rush, and Miss Minnie. Mr. Rudd expects to bring Mrs. Rudd's mother back with him for a visit here.