
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, March 30, 1934, pages of The Dolores Star

A tank car loaded with gasoline turned over near MIllwood Tuesday and caused a little disruption of operation on the Rio Grande Southern. The car was consigned to L. Plumlee, local Conoco man. The track was soon cleared to permit passage of trains and busses but the raising of the big tank awaited arrival of a wrecker from Ridgway. But little of the gasoline was lost, owing to prompt action of the train crew.

James Porter, of the Dolores Motor Co., this week announces that he has secured the direct local agency for all Chevrolet cars and trucks, and has placed an order for ten of the new Chevrolet passenger cars. Mr. Porter recently acquired full ownership and management of the Dolores Motor Co., and his intention is to expand the business to something like its former volume.

He believes that the new Chevrolet car is going over big and that more of these cars will be sold in this territory than before in several years.

The name of the establishment has been changed to the Porter Chevrolet Co., which is a good sounding name and in accordance to desires of the Chevrolet manufacturers.

A Chevrolet car driven by Leroy Butler was turned over and completely wrecked last Friday night about five miles beyond Dove Creek. In the car were Butler, Bud Binger and another young man and a girl. Binger received a bad cut and was taken to the hospital for treatment. The others fortunately escaped with slight injuries.

Senator Grant Sanders was in town again over Tuesday night. He came in on the ill fated freight of which a car was derailed near Millwood.

Harry Cox, the well known hat salesman, was here Saturday on his regular semi-annual visit.

If people of Dolores trade territory are thirsty henceforth, it will not be because there is lack of thirst-quenching facilities in this territory. In addition, the well stocked liquor store opened a short time ago by V. E. St. Clair, Wm. H. Brumley comes out this week with announcement of the opening of this Del Rio Liquor Store, which he has established in the corner room of the hotel building. Mr. Brumley has a nice stock of imported and domestic liquors as well as the new high-power beer.