
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, July 27, 1934, pages of The Dolores Star

The Democrats of Montezuma County held their county assembly at Cortez Monday with a good representation from all parts of the county. The meeting was marked with enthusiasm and harmony. Judge Downey spoke of the unjust criticism which is being directed to the Roosevelt administration and urged his hearers to combat this malicious propaganda wherever encountered.

The San Juan Basin Camp of Spanish War Veterans held a most interesting and enjoyable picnic Sunday at the home of Mr. and J. E. Akin north of Dolores. The weather was beautiful and the natural park at the Akin ranch home is an ideal place for such a meeting.

J. W. Gibbs, better known as "Shagg" left Sunday for points unknown. He went out via the Glenn Johnson truck. Gibbs was an itinerant who came in here last spring and worked around at odd jobs. He was anything but a handsome specimen of humanity, but he was willing to work, and he furnished the boys a good deal of amusement.

The Lee Lynton auto service station building is about complete and presents a fine appearance. Tanks and pumps have been installed and the place will soon be doing business.

Workmen on the new Akin duplex apartments north of the Baptist church have been making splendid headway and now have the building enclosed and most of the lathing done. The building will be ready, well it won't be long, now.

Mrs. Otellia Beohm has closed the restaurant which she has been operating in the Del Rio Hotel building. Mrs. Boehm says she is unable to continue the work since her husband's death and she will go to St. Louis, after she can arrange her affairs, to make her home with her people.

The house belonging to Mrs. Minerva Belmear, and occupied by the John Hathaway family, was considerably damaged and the family lost most of their belongings Wednesday morning when fire ravaged the place. The Hathaways were fumigating one of the rooms and the fire started from the fumigating candle. Quick work of the fire department prevented the building being totally destroyed.

Mrs. C. O. Romine returned last week from Durango where she recently underwent an operation. The lady is recovering nicely.

J. E. Nelson is assisting at Stroud's market while other employees are on vacations.

E. L. Manaugh drove his wife and daughter and Miss Bessie Root, of Seattle, to Gunnison the first of the week, where Mrs. Manaugh entered the second term of summer school. Mr. Manaugh returned to his home Monday.

Shannon Livick