
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, June 7, 1935, Dolores Star

Town Board Takes Up Matter of Water Works

The town board met in regular session Tuesday and turned out some rather important business.

The matter of services for an engineer to estimate the cost of rebuilding the water system was discussed and the clerk authorized to employ the Weiland Engineering company to furnish the figures. The engineers do the work for a nominal sum, if they are not awarded a contract, and charge nothing for this work if they are given the construction work. The town is planning to rebuild the entire system and installing settling tanks, if the job can be financed with federal funds.

Dolores High School has Splendid Rating

Dolores High School is again on the accredited list, according to information received by Supt. George F. Berg. The letter bearing this information from A.C. Cross, of the committee on college and high school relations, of Colorado university is as follows:

"Dear Mr. Berg:

"We are pleased to inform you that the Dolores High School has been retained in the Class A group on the list of secondary schools accredited by the University of Colorado for the year 1935-1936. This action was taken at the regular February meeting of the university senate."

Hope Looms for Opening of Sunnyside Mine, Silverton

The News learned this week that, rumors to the contrary, the United Mine and Smelter Corporation (which controls the Sunnyside interests) has not purchased the Durango smelting plant of the AS&R.

A report to the effect that the immediate resumption of production operations at the Sunnyside was planned, could not be confirmed, but it is known that they have employed a large number of men, and it is understood that $100,000 has been appropriated for the driving of a new tunnel on the lower level.

West Slope Asserts Rights at Meeting

The west slope is asserting its rights, according to reports from the water meeting held in Denver this week.

Representatives from this side of the range demand and insist on getting an acre-foot of storage capacity for every acre-foot of water diverted to the eastern slope.

Suit Filed on Bean Company

Suit to place the Tri-State Bean corporation in receivership was filed Friday in district court by the Trinidad Bean and Elevator company. The complaint asked that a receiver be apointed to liquidate the affairs of the defendant company. It was alleged that the defendant company is indebted to the plaintiff for $14,717.45 in addition to $90,000 in other debts.

Dairy Picnic Next Week

The annual Montezuma county dairy picnic will be held in Cortez again this year, according to a recent statement, with the Cortez junior chamber of commerence acting as host.

It is expected that the picnic will be bigger and better this year than ever before, and will no doubt be attended by practically every dairyman in the county.

River is High

Dolores river is running high this week and it is expected that some sort of record will be broken this season. It is said there is more snow in the hills than ever has been known at this time of year.


Dolores County assessor Ed. Balinger was a visitor here Tuesday, enroute home from Rico where he had been to attend official business and be on hand at the meeting of the county commissioners. The commissioners transacted only routine business, Mr. Ballinger said.

Mrs. Howard Poteet entertained at bridge Monday afternoon, her guests being Mrs. R. N. Musgrave, Mrs. Avon Denham, Mrs. Dick Tucker and Mrs. R. K. Tucker, Mrs. Dick Tucker holding high score.

Many dry land farmers are planting alfalfa seed. It is hoped that this seed will thousands of dollars worth of future benefit to this prosperous agricultural county of ours.