
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Sept. 21, 1934, pages of the Dolores Star

J. J. Harris & Company, Bankers recently received from the federal deposit insurance corporation at Washington the official signs which will hang at all receiving windows as visible evidence that the depositors of this institution are insured. J. J. Harris & Company, Bankers is one of more than 14,000 licensed banks in the country which are receiving these signs. Insured banks are able to offer protection to their depositors of up to $5,000.

The application of the Highland Utilities company for increase of rates for electric current, for "meter service" charges of fifty cents per month for residential and one dollar per month for commercial establishments, was heard before the Public Utilities commission at Denver last Friday. S. W. Carpenter, town attorney, appeared in support of the protest of the town of Dolores against the application. Decision was reversed by the commission, with leave to the parties to file briefs, which will postpone a decision for about two months.

Mr. and Mrs. V. Bradfield, Chas. Manners and family, C. H. Webb and family, Pat White and family, Joe Raff and family and Gale Plumlee enjoyed a picnic dinner up on Beaver last Sunday.

A few stockmen met at the county agent's office and discussed the Taylor grazing bill. Al. Long, of Durango, who had first hand information on this bill explained the act. The following were present: C. H. Rudy, F. H. Morgan, H. R. Rogers, Wm. E. Porter, Frank Philley, L. C. Dunagan, J. C. MeCluer, R. D. Akin, Gardner Bros., R. A. Sayler, Roy J. Retherford, Geor. A. Meistrell.

No country in the world is more beautiful than the hill country around Dolores right now. The frost has changed the leaves to varied hues of yellow and red, while in spots the bright green is still to be seen. The trip to Rico and back by way of Dunton or toward Norwood is well worth taking. It would be a mighty thick-skinned individual who would not appreciate the scenes along either of these roads.

Mrs. Carl Darnell came in last Thursday from her home in California. She came over to Dolores and visited with relatives and friends over the weekend. Mr. Darnell came in Monday in an airplane and the couple will visit in the community for a few weeks.

Mrs. Bill Morris purchased the Del Rio cafe interests Monday from Mrs. Frank Smith, who had been the proprietor for the past few months.