
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, May 3, 1935, Dolores Star

The Montezuma and Dolores counties chamber of commerce held its regular monthly meeting here, with dinner at the Tucker coffee cup.

Mrs. Martha Engle, wife of Chas. Engle, the well-known Rico merchant, died at a Durango hospital Saturday morning. Mrs. Engle was admired for her many fine qualities and had friends throughout the entire southwest.

In spite of all that has been said about it, the new sales tax has been quite a success in one way at least, that is in point of revenue derived.

According to a recent statement from Washington, Colorado's quota of young men for Citizens Conservation Corps camps will be 6,200. A recent move of the government was to increase allowances for these camps from 352,000 to 600,000. Two camps will be in operation in Montezuma County again this year: Beaver and Mesa Verde. The Mesa Verde camp is one of the largest in the country.

There will be another big rabbit drive Sunday in the section north and east of Yellow Jacket, according to word from the community. The drive will start at the state well and be continued in various directions, where rabbits are known to be pretty numerous. Dinner will be served by the residents of the community and there will be plenty of good things to eat, we have it form the ladies of the neighborhood.

A new and improved method of issuing telephone bills will be introduced in Dolores in the near future, according to an announcement made today by Mrs. Bradfield, manager of The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph company here.

The board of county commissioners of Costilla county was warned by John R. Seaman, acting chairman of the state tax commission, Friday, to discontinue the practice of selling county-owned tax certificates on a greatly reduced margin.

Dolores high school students were proud to receive a telegram this week announcing that the essay "Jorge Manrique" by Annie Thomas, was chosen as the best entered in the annual contest sponsored by Phi Omega Phi, honoray Spanish fraternity of Wester State college at Gunison.

Balarmino Maestas of Dolores and Miss Ophelia Archuleta, of McPhee, were married last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Flanders, Mr. Flanders officiating. The young couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gallegos, Mrs. Gallegos is sister of the bride. They will make their home in Dolores.

Friday's rise in the price of silver should result in the reopening of more than 200 old mines in Colorado, with the consequent employment of thousands of men, John T. Joyce, Sr., state commissioner of mines, estimates.

Bob Nash came in this week over the Norwood road and had little difficulty getting through. He reported there were but four or five miles where chains were necessary. A little massaging with a grader and it will be in fair condition.

The Beaver CCC camp will be opening within the next few days, according to plans and arrangements now being carried out. Word reached here that the boys who were to arrive from Texas, where they have been all winter, will not arrive for another week or so, due to some change in arrangements. Lt. C. N. Boyd is here directing the construction work at the Beaver camp. Three cars of lumber, comprising some 4,000 feet, have arrived here and the material is being hauled to the camp.

C. H. Webb, our hustling real estate man, is putting in an office in the former George Moore confectionery building, partitioning off a space in front. The office is well located and no doubt Mr. Webb will do considerable business.

Word has reached Dolores of the marriage of Franklin J. Pettingill and Ellen Hodgeman, both of this place, at Aztec, N.M., last week. The couple will make their home in Dolores.

Mrs. Charlie Smith returned last Friday from a trip to Montrose where she visited her daughter, Frances.

Calvin Trimble, Leroy Akin, Teague Lockett and Leslie Hammond left here Sunday for the forester camp near Mancos.

Mrs. Lottie Lockett is redecorating her house this week.

Mesdames R. N. Musgrave and Eva House motored to Durango Wednesday to visit Mrs. Edithe Trimble, who is taking treatments at the Ochsner hospital.

The Ladies Aid will meet May 8 at the M. E. church annex. Visitors always welcome.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dunham this week moved into a room over the town hall.