
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, March 7, 1935, Dolores Star

Hospital District formation will be the subject of a hearing in District Court on March 14 when Judge W. W. Rusk will review the legal steps that have been taken to date to determine if all requirements have been made and if found in order he may then set the date for an election to determine if the voters in the area involved want to form the district. The court hearing is not to debate the pros and cons of the district but merely to determine if all legal steps have been properly taken to bring the issue to vote.

Community pre-Easter services are again being scheduled by three local churches this year. The first will be held at 7 p.m., March 9 at the First Baptist Church, with Rev. Glenn Lawrence as speaker. A film will be shown.

Petitions are out and being circulated on behalf of several prospective candidates for the school board election to be held on May 6. People who sign petitions for a prospective board member must be registered voters and must live in the same director district as the candidates and the same one in which the vacancy exists.

Idarado Mining Co. in Ouray had a net income for the final quarter of 1974 of $301,500, gross sales of $5,284,800 and paid a quarterly dividend on 1,979,125 shares of 15 cents, bringing the annual dividend for 1974 to $1.38.

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hill attended the wedding of their son, Steve Hill and Sheryl Speer in Phoenix in mid-February then spent two days in Truth or Consequences visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Baker.

R. L. Fox has been sick with the flu over the weekend but returned to work this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Theo Boroks returned home Monday after spending several months in Parker. Their children, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tibbits from Crescent Valley, Nevada and Mrs. Emma Jean Watkins from Seattle, Wash., met them at the airport in Cortez and will spend a few days here visiting.

Art Nielson underwent surgery at Southwest Memorial Hospital on Tuesday of this week. He is reportedly doing very well.

Mr. Dick Walters and children, mark and Tracey spent the weekend in Durango visiting Dick's parents and attending the tournament at Fort Lewis. Judy also hauled band instruments over for the Dolores Pep band.

Steve Tibbits, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tibbits has been on leave from the armed forces. He visited with his parents in Crescent Valley, Nev. for awhile then he and his mother visited with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Brooks in Parker, Ariz. He had to report back to his base in Texas this week where he will be leaving for Germany within a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turner and son Monte visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Sturdevant last Sunday and had dinner with them Sunday afternoon.

Judy Tate and Gean Nielson enjoyed lunch at the Ponderosa on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Tate and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hinton in Cortez last Saturday evening then went on over to Durango where they attended to Bears and blue Jays basketball game.

Mr. and Mrs. Mory Plumlee spent the weekend in Farmington visiting with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Plumlee.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Tate and children enjoyed snowmobiling on Sunday.

Stanna Wilson visited with Lottie Fox last Wednesday afternoon.

Mary Akin is on the sick list this week with a bad cold.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Page and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brewer had dinner in Durango last Saturday evening and then attended the Bears basketball game at Ft. Lewis.

Donna Ragland entertained with a bridge party last Thursday.