Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, May 17, 1935, Dolores Star

Stabbed in the back at a dance Saturday night at Porter, N. M., J. C. Graham, of McPhee, lived but a few hours and passed away at a hospital in Albuquerque, N. M. Graham, whose family lives at McPhee, had been working at Porter for the past month, driving a logging truck.

Arthur Georgetta, son of Mrs. Maria Georgetta and the late David Georgetta, died at his home in Dolores Tuesday morning. Mr. Georgetta had been in very poor health for several months and his condition was quite critical during the winter when he suffered an attack of pneumonia. Recently he went to Arizona, where he was thought to have made some improvement, but upon returning home he became ill again and his death followed.

There are no new developments in the case of the recent murder of James Westfall, Lewis rancher, who was found dead in his cabin May 5. Herbert McDaniel, who was arrested for connection with the crime has made a full confession, implicating his brother, Otis McDaniel, who is still at large and is being sought by authorities all over the southwest. In a statement, Herbert McDaniel told the officers that he and his brother entered the Westfall cabin, April 15 and asked for food. They seized Westfall, bound and gagged him leaving him on the bed while they robbed the cabin of $20 cash, a pistol and a shotgun. Following the robbery of the Westfall cabin, they stole a car near Arriola, one belonging to William Offil, a school teacher there, and made their way to the Cherry Creek section, where they stripped the car of accessories and set it on fire.

Death laid its relentless hand upon the Millard family this week and took away the eldest child, Miss Nellie, who died in Dolores Monday morning. Miss Millard had been suffering the past week with pneumonia.

County Commissioner George Menefee was a visitor in Dolores Wednesday and reports plenty of moisture in his section of the county. Mancos has been getting considerable more than her share of dampness, it seems. Mr. Menefee said that the road is now graded as far as Schubert flat, near the Red Arrow mine and there is nothing to hinder the boys from doing all the prospecting in that region they have craving for.

L. R. Hafen, representative of the state historical society and editor of the Colorado magazine, was a pleasant caller at the Star office Wednesday morning. Mr. Hafen was here checking up on matters of historical interest in this section.

The spring term of the district court has been postponed indefinitely, according to a wire from District Judge J. B. O'Rourke, who is in Washington at present time looking after the interests of the basin in the federal allocation of funds under the four-billion-dollar relief act. The judge stated in his wire that he was doing more good for the basin in Washington that he could possibly accomplish at home on the bench, and so he intends to remain there until his mission is completed.

Mrs. Greene Newton, who was sentenced to the state penitentiary some months ago after having been convicted of stealing a steer in La Plata county, appealed to the U.S. District court last week for a write of habaes corpus, charging that she was being illegally held in the penitentiary, and that she had never been in La Plata county in her life. The state supreme court recently refused her a writ upholding the verdict of the district court at Durango.

Miss Ruth Givens, of the local relief office, spent the weekend at her home in Dove Creek.

Miss Betty Owens spent the weekend visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bozman.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryant C. Bauer and son, Mr. and Mrs. Keene McGalliard spent Sunday in Mancos as guests of Mrs. Mae McGalliard.

Miss Greta Akin came in Friday evening from Glenwood Springs and spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Akin. She left Monday to resume her work at the Springs.