
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, March 29, 1974, pages of The Dolores Star

The municipal election will be held Tuesday, April 8, with six candidates trying for the four vacant trustee positions Only one candidate, V. T. Boyd, has his name in the hat for the position of Mayor.

V. T. Boyd, presently a member of the Board of Trustees, has been action mayor since the resignation of Art Nielson. He is the owner of Colorado Forest Products and has lived in Dolores and been active in the community affairs for many years. His wife, Elizabeth, son, Kevin and daughter, Tammy, live in their newly built home on 19th St.

Director's meeting of the Dolores Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday took up many items including planning for the two-day Frontier Days here in June with a spectacular array of attractions being planned. Also on the agenda was brochure printing for the summer's tourist trade that will feature motel and restaurant cooperation in printing the map and history of the town.

Arriving back in Dolores last week after spending the winter months in Parker, Ariz. were: Mr. and Mrs. George Denby, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Akin and Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Sites.

Mr. and Mrs. Donel McQuaid drove to Farmington Friday evening to pick up their daughter, Mary Alice Peck and baby. She will be visiting with them for a few days while her husband is house-hunting in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; then she will fly on to New York to join him.

Lee Stephens entertained her Wednesday evening bridge club last week. Guests were Connie Stephens, Mary LaFrance and Sam Berry. Mary LaFrance won high; Marie Carlson won 2nd; Lillian Simmons, low; and Connie Stephens, bingo.

Katie Akin and April Brumley took the bus to Albuquerque, where they spent spring vacation visiting with the Baron Brumleys. Baron drove them back to Dolores.

Melissa Blacknall celebrated her birthday last week with sixteen guests from Dolores and Cortez. They swam at Towaoc for two hours and then came back to the Dan Hunter Room at Empire Electric where they played games, had refreshments and Melissa opened her gifts.