
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, June 28, 1974, pages of the Dolores Star

With people lining the streets of Dolores, contestants and spectators alike enjoyed the fun of the two day Frontier Days celebration held last weekend in Dolores.

The Black Powder Shoot was, according to general chairman Sue Anderson, a roaring success with 39 shooters participating. The log-rolling contest had 22 entries and should turn into one of the most popular events.

Winners in the parade are as follows: Commercial entries, Empire Electric; Marching Unit, American Legion girls drill team; Equestrian Unit, Saddle Dusters; Religious float, Dolores Methodist Youth Group; Kiddies parade, Lenetta Oakes; Bicycle races named Teddy Lobato as 1974 champion. Some of the winners need to stop by the Remuda Gallery and pick up their trophies. The Antique Car trophy went to Dale Young from Squaw Point. George Grubbs won the watermelon eating contest; the penny toss was won by Miss Herrera and the greased pole climb by Freddy Chihocky.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Goodall are the parents of a baby girl born Thursday, June 20, at Southwest Memorial Hospital. She weighed 5 lb 15½ oz., and has been named Jerri Michelle. They have one older daughter, Tammy.

Skip Anderson of Dolores took a first and a third place in pen and ink drawings at the Cortez Art Show now being held at the Grace Speck Room in the city building of Cortez.

Mrs. Stanley McCabe was named president of the Southwest Library System Council at a meeting held June 19 and 20 at Pagosa Springs. Mrs. McCabe is a member of the Dolores Library Board.

Free old time films sponsored by the Friends of the Cortez Library and the Mesa Verde Country Innkeepers are being shown each Friday evening at the Cortez City Park.

Mrs. Mary Baker drove to Grand Junction over the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elzey Garland of Cortez, to visit their brother, Mim Badini. While there they went on to Hotchkiss to see their sister, Mrs. Tom Mingen.

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ball served homemade ice cream and cake Saturday night to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ball, Mrs. Mabel Plank, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Melvin and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Melvin.