Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Feb. 14, 1975, Dolores Star

A big hunk of real estate, including the present golf course and the proposed golf course extension, is up for annexation into the city of Cortez; 308.36 acres of land are involved in the proposed annexation.

Standard Metals Mine, with most of Colorado's mining industry, is gearing up to fight one segment of proposed tax law that could shut down some of this state's smaller mining operations.

Last week's storm left 66 inches of new snow on Wolf Creek Pass, bringing the season total's fall to 285 inches. Snow measurements show that measured snow courses are now near the long time average.

Four accidents this past week testify to the icy condition of roads in the area with damage in only one of the accidents reaching the $20,000 mark.

John Goode appeared before Montezuma County Commissioners Mon., Feb. 10 to discuss the prairie dog control program for this year. Inquiries have been made into getting the program underway. Materials will be ordered and will be available soon.

A variance to High Camp Co., for High View Subdivision west of Dolores was approved.

A petition opposing the pending natural gas rate increase is now at the Town Hall for all those wanting to sign it. A large number of Dolores residents have expressed their concern for the continuing rate increases on natural gas.

Mrs. Cecile Taylor was in Denver last weekend to attend the State Board of Business and Professional Women. She also met with John Schambow, state director of Centennial Bicentennial activities. She reports that Schambow will be down to meet with the Dolores committee after the first of March.

Carolyn Tate helped Rhonda Swanner celebrate her birthday on Tuesday evening. The girls also attended a movie in Cortez on Monday night.

Beckly Blazier was an overnight guest on Tracey Walter Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter spent the weekend with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walter. They celebrated both Mrs. Charles Walters and Tracey Walters birthdays over the weekend. They all enjoyed ice fishing on Sunday at Miramonte Lake. They reported pretty good luck too.

K. T. Collins from Houston, Texas is visiting in Dolores at the home of his son, Kitchell Collins and family.

Elaine Carrigan celebrated her 17th birthday on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Val Truelsen were among the throng which attended the Cattlemen's Dance and banquet in Cortez Saturday night.

Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Biard were Mr. and Mrs. Pat McCarty from Prescott, Arizona.

Betty Harrah entertained with a bridge party last Wednesday. Prize winners included Evelyn Tibbits, Marie Carlson and Margaret Nielson.

Billie Tate spent the weekend with Roger Spore recently. The boys enjoyed bowling in Cortez on Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Brewer attended the community concert in Cortez on Monday evening. The concert featured the Tucson Arizona Boys Choir.