
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Sept. 20, 1974, pages of the Dolores Star

Two fatal accidents occurred in Montezuma County Wednesday with two young men meeting their death in separate once-car accidents.

Dolores, along with other communities in Montezuma County, is apparently ready to join into the Centennial-Bicentennial celebration being held in the state and nation in the year of 1976, observing the birthdays of the State of Colorado and of the United States.

A service plan for a hospital district encompassing all of Montezuma County is to be presented to the County Commissioners on Monday, Sept. 23 to mark latest progress on replacing the present structure that has been declared unsuitable by state and federal agencies.

A barn belonging to Noel McEwen and leased by Clyde Goodall was a total loss. Contents of the barn which burned Wednesday noon were also lost. They included hay, a new saddle and equipment including the hay baler which was pulled from the structure by a fire vehicle of the Sheriff's Department.

P.W. Miller's photography class of 21 students attended a publications workshop at MCHS in Cortez on Tuesday.

Elaine Carrigan, Youth Representative from Dolores, attended the Methodist Church District Meeting on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bowden picked up Marge's dad, Josie Nelson from the airport in Cortez on Sunday evening. Josie was returning from Collinsville, Ill. where he has been visiting with his daughter, Elizabeth Sesock.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln and daughter Nihla and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adair went to Utah Friday evening to visit the Lincolns' son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lincoln who live in Sandy, Utah. They took in the Utah State Fair over the weekend where their granddaughter, Heidi, age 6, was entered in the horse events. Heidi took a 3rd place in Walk and Trot in the Western Pleasure division for children under 8. The Lincolns are very proud of her and said that the competition was very stiff and she did an excellent job.