
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Jan. 24, 1975, Dolores Star

Over thirty persons attended last Saturday's annual meeting of the Southwest Memorial Hospital Association where reports on medical staff progress, financial status and hospital district progress were given by hospital officials. Dr. Robert Carlson, chief of staff, gave a report on the medical staff and listed nine major accomplishments for 1974 which included: Establishng a new electroencyclographic system, which checks brain waves and has expert analysis reports back to the doctors within 24 hours.

In news from the County commissioners meeting this week it was reported that a check for cigarette tax in the amount of $873.22 was received, also a check for $568.17 from the State Health Department for the states share of expenses for the county Health Department.

There will probably be no trolley line on the streets of Silverton. Don Scott, the man who promoted the idea of a trolley and was recently granted a 99 year franchise for the project, has withdrawn his offer to build the line. A referendum petition circulated last week and placed on file objecting the line was given as the reason for the withdrawal.

Phillips Petroleum Co. has started a search for uranium in the San Juan National forest northwest of Pagosa. The company's first move was the staking of 1004 claims last month.

Wolf Creek Pass was closed to motor vehicle travel for about 18 hours last week when heavy snows and high winds hit that area. 52 inches of new snow fell during the five day storm, bringing the total snowfall for this winter to 213 inches.

The two day snowfari from Dolores to Norwood is being sponsored by the Snobos again this year with 50 to 60 snowmobilers expected to make the trip. Thirteen couples from Texas have signed up as well as people roam the immediate area including surrounding towns.

The Dolores Masonic Lodge is undergoing some remodeling this week with the installation of wood paneling in the meeting room.

Mr. and Mrs. Tommy McQuaid returned home to California last week after spending several weeks in Dolores enjoying the skiing in the area.

Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lancaster last Monday evening included Mr. and MRs. Charles Lincoln and Bertha Bowers. The occasion was to celebrate Charlotte Lincoln's birthday.

Callie Lofquist reported on the craft club, knitting class held Tuesday evening of this week. She is one of the instructors and said they had an attendance of 12 to 15 people in spite of the cold. Edna Ream is the other instructor.

Mary LaFrance and Margaret Nielson enjoyed lunch in Cortez last Thursday.