
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Jan. 31, 1975, Dolores Star

Quite a few persons were on hand for the organizational meeting of the Dolores Centennial Bicentennial Committee which will sponsor local events during the coming years. names as chairperson was Mrs. Cecile Taylor, Vice chairperson was Don Ripley, secretary Mary Dufur and treasurer Tom Martin. The entire committee membership will be named at a later meeting.

The total number of skiers at Wolf Creek Ski Area this year is now in excess of 18,000 and skiing there is excellent. Crowds have not been large but they have been steady.

Pursuit of an assault suspect by San Juan officers ended a few miles from Paradox on Highway 90 January 8 when Juan Baptista La Fata, 39, rolled his car at about 12 p.m. The chase had begun in association with an assault case near a Moab gift shop. A quantity of drugs was found in the car.

A massive rescue effort launched last weekend to save a 25-year-old man from the top of windswept Mount Evans ended with a whimper last Monday evening after two of the man's friends reached him at the summit and led him to safety. The man survived a two-night ordeal by breaking into the University of Denver's high-altitude laboratory on the mountain top and helping himself to the supplies stored there.

The BLM will move district headquarters from Monticello to Price, Utah, at a net cost to the county seat of somewhere between $100,000 and $150,000 in professional salaries, not to mention the possible effect on local, non-professionals now employed. Ten "permanents' would remain in Monticello.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Brewer shopped in Durango on Saturday.

Margaret Nielson entertained her bridge club members last Thursday. Guests included Mary LaFrance and Frankie Hudson. Prize winners included LIllian Simmons, high; Johnnie Fredriksen; 2nd high, Betty Harrah, bingo and Mary LaFrance, low.

Loava Bartholomew is a patient at Mercy Hospital this week undergoing tests.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tobin and their children, Mike and Linda, and her little daughter, Deanna of Dolores and Chuck and his wife Donna from New Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willett of Dolores, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Becher from Cortez took their 4-wheel drives and went up the Norwood road as far as the Groundhog turn off recently. They also enjoyed a picnic while out enjoying beautiful winter scenery.