
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, May 23, 1975, Dolores Star

Corp of Engineers expands control over all U.S. waters

Federal authority to regulate the disposal of dredged or fill material in the waters of the United States will be greatly expanded under proposed regulations published in the federal Register May 6 and would include practically all lakes, streams, rivers and wetlands in the United States.

Bank aids eight DHS students with scholarships Monday

The Dolores State Bank presented scholarships of $250 each to eight students in the graduating class of Dolores High School at the commencement exercises held Monday evening.

Maxine Bartholomew, Helena Millard, Richard Nelson, Connie Paxton, Gloria Sturman, Carl Thompson, Debbie Vavra and Chris Walker were recipients of the scholarships.

Storm leaves more snow

Cool, cloudy weather this week has sowed runoff in streams in the area with the Dolores River down considerably from the high water last weekend. Rain in the high country turned to snow Wednesday night and left about 2 inches of snow at Stoner. Four inches were reported at the county barns at Fish Creek on the Dunton Road and several inches were reported above Mancos.

County Office of Social Services may close in June

According to a report from the County Commissioners meeting this week a check for $1000 was received as a payment on the bridge at Twin Spruce which the county installed two years ago. Another check in the amount of $1061 was received reimbursing the county for the alcohol abuse program.

Discipline committee named at school board meeting

The May 15 meeting of the Board of Education of Dolores School District Re4-A was called to order by President Rogers. Present were members Fischer, Gonzales, Rogers, Squires, and Willbanks; Superintendent Hathaway, interested patrons and teachers.

Organizational meeting for Meals on Wheels for Dolores

An organizational meeting for Meals on Wheels will be held at the Dolores State Bank Community Room at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 30.

This program is a service of delivering a hot meal to senior citizens, disabled people, ect. from one to several times per week at a minimum cost. Anyone interested in receiving this type of service of in volunteering time to help in getting it started is invited to attend.

Val Welch named to Dean's List

Val Welch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Welch of Dolores has been named to the Deans List at Ft. Lewis College in Durango for both the Fall and Winter trimesters.

Drive Forest Roads with Caution

Clyde Steel, Dolores District Ranger, asks for public help to prevent road damage. Steel states that "due to abnormally high snowpack this winter, we have sustained damage to several Forest roads." This damage is due to the increased runoff this spring. The Forest Service is asking the public's help in this problem by restricting use of these Forest roads until they have dried out.

CSU Bull Sale at Hesperus Hits Record High

More than 350 buyers and spectators attended the sale where half interest in a Hereford bull owned by Colorado State University sold for a record price of $11,000 at CSU's 26th annual bull sale on May 5 at Hesperus. The half interest went to Schroeder Cattle Company, in Nebraska.

Practical Nursing class filled for coming year

The registrar's office, at the San Juan Basin Area Vocational School is announcing that the 1975 Licensed Practical Nursing Program Class, conducted at the Mercy Medical Center in Durango, Colorado, is filled for this coming year and applications will no longer be taken. Students wishing to register for the 1976 class may do so after September 1, 1975.

Ute Mountain Study Club meets in Dolores

Ute Mountain Study Club held a luncheon meeting at the Ponderosa in Dolores on Wednesday. Following the luncheon, installation of officers was held.

Awards were presented to Mrs. George Kelly for Woman of the Year and to Mrs. David Engle for the Best Program of the Year.

Dolores Shell Station changes hands

The Dolores Shell Station changed hands as of May 1 when William Connor took over the station from former owner Thurl Boyd.

Farewell potluck held at Catholic Hall

Sister Kathleen was the guest of honor at a farewell potluck given by the parishioners last Sunday at the parish hall of Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church in Dolores. Sister Kathleen left this week and upon her return will be with the Durango parish.

Brad Stephens wins silver medal

Brad Stephens, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Jim Stephens of Dolores, brought home a Silver Medal in bowling competition at the State Special Olympics held in Greeley last week. Brad bowled in the 12-14 age group.

Search & Rescue Team to hold cookout

The Snobos Search & Rescue Team and their families will meet at Narraguinnep Lake at 7:00 p.m. Thursday evening, May 22 for a cookout, weather permitting. If it is stormy they will meet at the home of Tad Willbanks. Everyone is asked to bring their own meat and covered side dish.

Around Town

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Wagner are home from Craig for awhile visiting at the home of this parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wagner.

Caddie Plumlee was released from the hospital last week and is home reportedly doing well.

Sharon Dufur, daughter of Mary Dufur, arrived home on Wednesday from Boulder where she is a student at CU. She expects to be here for about two weeks, after which she plans to return to Boulder for summer employment.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith from Paonia were here for the graduation ceremonies at Dolores High School where their granddaughter, Maxine Bartholomew, was graduated.