
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, June 6, 1975, Dolores Star

Local Businesses Burglarized

Two Dolores business places were broken into sometimes Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning and are being investigated by Town Marshal Charlie Aragon.

The Dolores Liquor lost a quantity of cash from the register and some undetermined amount of cigarettes and other items in bottles according to owner Terry O'Brien. Entry was gained by drilling a hole and reaching through to open the rear door.

The dome building located between the Rainbow Pharmacy and the Dolores Medical Associates clinic was broken into and pilfering was noted with a list of many items missing not released. Entry here was gained by forcing open the glass sliding door on the front.

Centennial flag comes to Dolores June 20

The Town of Dolores, having been designated a Centennial-Bicentennial Community, is scheduled to receive its official flag on Friday, June 29th.

Various activities are planned, including square dancing in the street, a dinner to be served by the O. E. S., a bake sale, and the reading of Betty Hunter's poem, "The Galloping Goose." Pioneer artifacts will be displayed in the store windows, and those having antiques they would be will to show are asked to call Cecile Taylor at 882-4636.

O'Brien resigns town board post

The Town Board, at their regular meeting Tuesday evening of this week, approved a liquor license in the name of Jeanne Baker who will be doing business at the Del Rio

Mrs. Baker has purchased the hotel, restaurant, and lounge from Nick Wahl.

Chuck Lees to Celebrate 50th Anniversary

Chuck and Lenore Lee will be honored on June 8, at a reception and open house in celebration of their golden wedding anniversary. The affair is being hosted by their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. David Butler, with the assistance of Montezuma Chapter No. 130, Order of the Eastern Star, and the Dolores United Methodist Women.

Physician Resigns Position

Dr. Robert Carlson today announced his resignation from the Dolores Medical Association. P. C. He calls this a "difficult decision". Dr. Carlson has been with the clinic for five years and states he has seen many changes during that time.

Dr. Carlson will continue his duties as chief of staff of Southwest Memorial Hospital and as President of the Montelores Medical Society.

State FFA Convention in Greeley

Ten members of the Dolores High School FFA Chapter will leave Saturday to attend the State FFA Convention in Greeley, Colo. being held June 8,9, and 10.

Those going are Roy Lackey, Was Goodall, Glen Vavra, Robin Milhoan, Nila Lincoln, Todd Rogers, Ray Stephenson, Gary Walker, Gary Willet, and Leslie Culver. They will be traveling with the Mancos and Cortez FFA chapters on the Cortez Panther bus.

New Board at Vo-Tech

Following local school board elections, the Governing Board of the San Juan Basin Vocational School has been reorganized.

Glen E. Humiston of Mancos was elected Board President. Humiston succeeded Aryol Brumley of Dolores, who had served as President since the Area School was founded. Humiston has served on the Mancos Board of Education for the past ten years and has been a member of the Area School Board since 1973.

Janice Hutchison of Cortez retained her position as Board Vice President.

Wolf Creek Pass

More snow fell last week bringing the total for the year on the pass to 790 inches. This record is expected to stand for many years.


More than 60 bicycle riders crossed a finish line in downtown Silverton Monday having raced and beaten the D&RGW narrow gauge train some 50 miles from Durango to Silverton. Winner was George Mount of LaFayette, Calif., who made the trip in 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 55 seconds.


Mrs. Robert Miller and her granddaughter, Sue Lee, went to Albuquerque on Tuesday. They will be attending her grandson's, Bobby Lee, graduations ceremonies at Manzano High School.

The grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton, Gene Brubeck, visited from Farmington over the weekend.

Mrs. Ruben McEwen and her two children, Ed and Melanie, spent the weekend in Cuba, New Mexico where Ruben McEwen works.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kinkade went to Grand Junction Sunday, the 25th of May and visited Jack's' sister, Mrs. June Hunger. From there they went to Denver where Jack had medical treatment, returning home Thursday.

The Dolores Cub Scouts are to meet at the Baptist Church at 9:00 a.m. for the hike the 11th. Bring a sack lunch.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shields and relatives got together Sunday for a cookout at the Shields place up the river.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cline hosted a pinochle party at their home Saturday evening. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Don McQuaid, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter, Helen Fogel, Callie Lofquist, Hazel Smith and Mary Jane McRae. Chuck Lee and Helen Fogel were the winners.