
Dolores 40 Years Ago

Taken from the Friday, June 13, 1975, Dolores Star

Centennial Flag Ceremonies

The awarding of Dolores' Centennial-Bicentennial Flag will take place in Flanders Park in front of the Town Hall, Friday, June 20.

Games and contests for children and young people will be sponsored before the ceremony. These will be supervised by Betty Hunter, and will run from 3 to 4 p.m., at which time the program will begin.

Mary Porter Named County Fair Queen

The 1975 Montezuma County Fair Queen is Mary Porter from Lewis, Colorado.

Haycamp Mesa Coal Lease Auction Set for June 18

Possible coal development in the Dolores area came to light this week when local officials discovered that the State Land Commission office in Denver had scheduled a public auction of state lands on June 18. The approximately 3,700 acres is located on the Haycamp mesa area north and east of Dolores.

Escalante Ruin Site Development Start

Maryl V. Jones, District Manager, Bureau of Land Management, Montrose, announced that work will begin soon on the excavation and stabilization of the Escalante Indian ruin two miles west of Dolores. The project is planned to tie in with the Bicentennial celebration of 1976.

Dolores River Placer Claims Hearings Set for July 14

Hearings to determine whether placer mining claims and placer mining operations will substantially interfere with other uses of the land along the San Miguel and Dolores Rivers will be held at the Telluride Lodge, Telluride, Colorado, Monday July 14, 1975, at 8:30 a.m. through Thursday, July 17, 1975, according to Marlyn V. Jones, Montrose District Manager, Bureau of Land Management.

Lees Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary

A large number of friends and relatives attended the open house Sunday in honor of the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr and Mrs. Chuck Lee. It was held in the Masonic Hall June 8 hosted by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Butler and by the Eastern Star and the women of the Methodist Church.

Rodeo Comes to Cortez

The 44th Annual Ute Mountain Roundup Rodeo is taking place in Cortez at the American Legion grounds this weekend. The rodeo, sponsored by the Cortez Ute Mountain American Legion Post 75, will feature performances Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Preceding the rodeo on Friday and Saturday are parades in downtown Cortez.

Telluride to Receive Centennial Flag this Weekend

The Town of Telluride will be awarded its Bicentennial Flag on Flag Day, June 14, in the Town Park.

This year is also the 100th anniversary of the filing of the first mining claim in the Telluride area and the 100th anniversary of the Hayden Survey Party in the Telluride area.

Nominations Open for Miss Teen-age Colorado

Application deadline for the Miss Colorado Teen-Ager Pageant is drawing very close. All applications for this pageant must be in Certification Headquarters by June 20. Girls 13-17 who are interested in competing should send now for an application. Please enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope and send your requests to Miss Colorado Teen-Ager Pageant, Box 406, Rockton, IL 61072.

Local Happenings

Gerald Neal and George Burnham from the Cortez cemetery district discussed getting fill dirt hauled. It was decided that when the dirt is found arrangements would be made to get it hauled.

Gary Mahaffey was appointed to replace D. Livingston on the County Planning Commision.

Fred and Leona Crouse were granted a variance to the subdivision regulations so that they can sell three acres of their land.

Bill Brown and Shelley Tillson, members of the Alcoholic Program, reviewed the programs activities.

Ed Akin arrived from Alaska Friday. He will be visiting friends and relatives here for a few weeks.

Mrs. Joe Blackmer had a picnic for her husband Friday evening up the river.

Mr. and Mrs. Aryol Brumley and family attended a hamburger fry Saturday evening at the Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Findely home.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Butler recently were in Broken Bow, Nebraska visiting their son Ed. While there they took the ferry across the Missouri River between Niobrara, Nebraska and Springfield, South Dakota. A dam is being constructed between the two towns and as a result the town of Niobrara is having to move. Some old houses and buildings are being moved to the bench above the river but the majority of buildings are newly constructed.

Mrs. Aryol Brumley is busy coaching a summer girls' softball team.

Miriam and Mendel Manry from San Diego, California were here Saturday and Sunday visiting the George Greens. Ronnie Green returned to California with them and will stay a few weeks.

Art Nielson was home over the weekend from Debeque, Colorado where he is working. His son, Dart, returned with him.

Announce Engagement

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Broderick of Dolores announce the engagement of their daughter Neita Broderick to Frank Muniz, son of Mrs. Tomacita Muniz.

New Baby

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butler of Santa Clara, Calif., on the birth of a new son Tuesday, June 10. He has been named Jonathan Patrick. The 8 plus lbs young man was welcomed by an older brother Eric.

Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Butler and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCracken, all of the Dolores area.

Rico News and Views

Sunday, June 15 is Father's Day and in Rico his day will be observed beginning with a family breakfast at the B&D Stop Spot.