
Documentary team visits to film marijuana issue

Small team from California hopes to finish project by April 2015
Nick Farrell sets up a camera at Fahrenheit coffee shop in Mancos to shoot footage for a documentary on the legalization of marijuana in Colorado.

A team filming a documentary on the legalization of marijuana passed through the county last week.

They came to shoot a five-minute trailer to shop to television networks for a potential documentary TV series and a documentary, said Kat King, the producer.

“It’s about the end of the prohibition of marijuana,” she said.

King and her team spent five days in the area and interviewed Frank McDonald, who has aspirations of opening a recreational marijuana resort outside Dolores. They also spoke with Jim Cody and Nate Fete, owners of Beacon Wellness, a medical marijuana shop in Mancos.

The director, Guy Logan, brought a small team out from California to work on the project. He hopes to finish the project by April 2015.

The team plans to travel to Washington and California as well, King said

“It’s going to encompass a lot more than even the state of Colorado,” she said.

King has been a producer for 12 years, and she has been involved in producing music videos and commercials. She was inspired to work on the documentary after she moved back to Colorado from Los Angeles.

When she lived in Colorado previously, she was involved with the Boulder Help Initiative and fought for the legalization of marijuana during 1992.

“It’s something that’s always been a part of my life here,” she said.

Cortez, Dolores and Mancos all currently have moratoriums on the sale of recreational marijuana.