District gives information on preschool survey, updated Panther Stadium hours

Panther Stadium’s hours have been updated for the school year. (Ben Bradley/Special to The Journal)
Survey can help improve the preschool

The Montezuma-Cortez school district on Tuesday announced that Beech Street Preschool will participate in the Colorado Shines assessment and Panther Stadium has a new schedule.

The Colorado Shines assessment will enable families to assess and review the preschool as the district works to ensure that preschool-age children have access to early education.

“We want to do the best job we can to provide your child/children with a safe, loving environment that offers many opportunities for learning. Your survey response will help us accomplish this goal,” the district said.

Responses from the anonymous survey will be sent to Colorado Shines, then shared with the district.

The deadline to submit the survey is Sept. 30.

The survey can be completed online at bit.ly/3M77RJO. To log in, use the code 86425.

Panther Stadium hours

The district also announced new hours for Panther Stadium.

The stadium is reserved for school use from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday during the school year. Residents may use the field outside those hours.