
‘Dismayed by two items in the Herald’

Last Sunday, I was dismayed by two items in The Durango Herald. Foremost, the front page and extensive coverage of a social worker losing her license was not necessary and seemed rather vicious. Certainly, what happened was news and maybe a brief mention needed to be published. But why on the front page and why so much column space?

What was the intention – to report something newsworthy or to just be mean and shaming toward the person? To ruin her reputation? Lillian Ramey has done very good work in this community, helping others and serving on boards. And given the often errors committed by the Herald reporters (many of us in the community have been victims of poor reporting), I’m not sure how accurate the article was.

While you have a responsibility to report, you have a responsibility to do so with a moral compass and to do so with compassion. What you have done is inexcusable and she and the community deserve an apology.

Second, with all of the issues and problems Durangoans experience day to day, you had an editorial on business jargon? Really? That’s what you believe we would find important and worth reading?

The local press is an important institution to ensure our democracy. I wish you would take your responsibility more seriously and with a moral compass. In other cities with local papers, there is often a voluntary citizens group that provides feedback to the editors. The Durango Herald needs such a mechanism.

Michael Todt
