
Democrats defend online legislative work in New Mexico

SANTA FE — A top-ranked state legislator is defending the move to online committee hearings and other pandemic safety rules that allow only three legislators at a time on the floor of the New Mexico House of Representatives.

In legal filings made public on Monday, Democratic House Speaker Brian Egolf urged the state Supreme Court to uphold emergency legislative procedures that rely heavily on videoconferencing. The Democratic-led Legislature convened on Jan. 19 for a 60-day session.

The Statehouse is closed to the public and lobbyists, while the House limits participation in floor sessions to the speaker and one additional legislator from each party.

Egolf says more people are participating in online legislative hearings than could possibly fit physically into committee rooms under normal circumstances.

Top House Republicans say that the health restrictions exclude people without internet service and are asking the Supreme court to intervene. They also say legislators are being prohibited from in-person participation.

An unnamed Republican lawmaker tested positive in January for the coronavirus at the Capitol, along with several staff.

The state Senate has its own pandemic rules that allow legislators to attend floor sessions in-person or remotely from an office in the state Capitol building. House members can participate from home.

Democratic House Speaker Brian Egolf on Monday described robust online participation in the legislative process by the public as he defends strict precautions against COVID-19 infection at the Statehouse.