Dayne Black moves on to San Diego City College

2015 M-CHS grad transfers after spring baseball season at Mendocino College

Dayne Black is on the move again.

The 2015 Montezuma-Cortez graduate began his collegiate baseball career last fall at Butte College, a community college in Oroville, California.

But after playing in several fall exhibitions, he found himself third on the depth chart at third base for the Titans. Not getting the reps he desired, he decided to make a change.

“I went and talked to the coach to see if there were any other schools out there that he knew of that needed a third baseman,” Black explained. “And one of his buddies in Ukiah, California had a couple spots available so I transferred there with a couple guys from Butte.”

Black’s destination in Ukiah was Mendocino College, a community college just two hours and forty-five minutes from Butte.

After beginning the spring season at third and then shifting to designated hitter, Black was moved to the bullpen midway through the season and finished the spring as one of the Eagles’ closers.

He was getting more playing time, but the coaching situation was uncertain.

Long-time head coach Matt Gordon resigned at the beginning of the season to become the full-time athletic director, and then after serving as interim co-head coaches, Aaron Ford and Chris Mills were replaced by a new coaching staff at the season’s end.

Looking for coaching stability and a change of scenery, Black packed his bags once more and began the move to San Diego City College.

“I was talking to City College and Mesa,” he explained. “And when I went down there and visisted it just seemed like a really good fit.”

Black will continue to pursue his business degree this fall at the two-year community college, and after fall exhibition games, the official baseball season will kick off early in 2017.

Although he said his initial plan is to keep pitching out of the bullpen, his long-term aim is to land a scholarship to a four-year school.

“My goal is to just work really hard and hopefully be the closer,” he said. “But my main goal is to just have a really good year and get a scholarship and keep playing at a four-year.”