
Davidson quits Cortez Historic Preservation Board

Linda Towle to resume position until elections
Dale Davidson and Karen Sheek speak about the history of Cortez’s parks during the Historic Preservation Day celebration in May.

Dale Davidson has resigned from the Cortez Historic Preservation Board after about eight months as chairman and many years of membership.

At the board’s first meeting in two months on Wednesday, Davidson announced he would be stepping down. Linda Towle, who was chairwoman of the board for about eight years before Davidson replaced her in December, will return to the role at least until board member elections in January. She said she will look for another person to take her place.

Davidson didn’t go into detail about why he planned to leave the board, where he’s served off and on for almost as long as Towle, but he said it was related to a “medical situation.” He mentioned a few of the things the board accomplished during his tenure, such as Historic Preservation Day and the installation of a new plaque in City Park, and encouraged the other board members to continue the projects he hadn’t been able to finish.

“Thanks for putting up with me,” he said. “It’s been fun.”

In addition to being chairman, Davidson was also the Cortez Cultural Center representative on the board, so he urged the other members to appoint a new one after he leaves. As vice chairwoman, Towle will automatically become the new chairwoman until a new one can be elected in January. The board did not discuss on Wednesday who would become the new vice chair.

In November 2016, Towle said she hoped to find someone else to lead the board, since it had become too time-consuming for her. On Wednesday, she thanked Davidson for giving her an eight-month break.

“Between doing Historic Preservation Day and the (Certified Local Government) report, those are two big things,” she said. “Thank you for doing that.”

Other action

During the meeting, the board also:

Authorized Towle to send a letter notifying 23 property owners included in the latest inventory of places in Cortez that could qualify for the national or local register of historic places.

Approved a letter of support for a grant application to preserve the Calkins building in Cortez.Reviewed the annual Certified Local Government report.Voted to write a letter of support for a grant application for a historic site assessment of the Cortez Cultural Center.Heard reports from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce, the Montezuma County Historical Society and the Cultural Center.

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