
Dave Dove talk on masonry and multistory construction planned at Methodist Church

The Hisatsinom Chapter of the Colorado Archaeological Society is presenting Dave Dove at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 2, at the Methodist Church in Cortez, 515 Park St.

Dave Dove will discuss “The Earliest Great Houses: Type I Masonry and Multistory Construction at Mitchell Springs.” Call Mary Gallagher at (202) 445-5755 with questions.

The talk will present evidence from Mitchell Springs that suggests when the Type I rooms at Mitchell Springs were constructed. The presentation builds on great house formation research that was done on a slightly later Mitchell Springs complex. It will also provide a brief review of the history of research at the site beginning with Lewis Henry Morgan’s visit and sketch map in the 1870s.

Dove has been active in archaeology for much of his life. As a child and young man, he helped his father, Don Dove with excavations in Arizona, and continues today with his work at the two main sites of Mitchell Springs (since 1988) and Champagne Springs (since 2010).  His main research interests are in pottery geochemical sourcing, ritualized structure decommissionings, agricultural intensification and Great House formation. He has published several articles on these topics.