‘Current weather worse than prior times’

In reponse to a guest column in The Colorado Sun on July 19, Trish Zornio said: “Fifteen years ago not having an AC in this part of Colorado was probably fine. Now it’s not thanks to climate change.”

Ironically, in The Pagosa Sun’s recent “Looking Back,” a piece from 1989, wherein it lists eight “Record setting high temperatures of 94 degrees, 93, 95, 98, 99, 96, 96 and 93. It also notes there had been no rainfall for more than four months, and that was 25 years ago.

Apparently, we have had climate change and it’s getting cooler. Joking aside, it always seems that current weather is worse than prior times. I am an octogenarian and the hottest period in my memory was the late 1950s, early 1960s, much hotter and drier than now.

Mary Riethmiller

Pagosa Springs