CSU seeking members for health advisory board in Montezuma County

The group is looking for members of the community who are passionate about health and wellness in Montezuma County. (CSU Health Without Barriers)
Yearlong commitment allows participants to make a difference in the community

Colorado State University’s Health Without Barriers is seeking members for its Community Advisory Board in Montezuma County.

The group is looking for potential members who are passionate about improving health and wellness in Montezuma County, committed to supporting diverse teenagers and their families and who are willing to share their “lived experience and expertise.”

The CAB welcomes and encourages diverse perspectives and experiences in its program.

“We need your voice,” the group said. “Join our team and help build a healthier Montezuma County for all.”

Those who join will be committing to CAB for a year, with quarterly meetings. The meetings can be attended in person or with Zoom. In-person attendees will be provided a meal during meetings.

Members will advocate for local youths and families from all backgrounds and to help “shape an inclusive and culturally aware program.” The group also will work to boost community engagement and outreach and to provide feedback to the group.

To participate, call Elvia at (970) 286-1866 or Lyndsey at (970) 657-0141.

Information is available at equitablefamilywellness@colostate.edu and at CSU’s website www.engagement.colostate.edu/health-without-barriers/.