
County clerk recommends McDaniel recall ballots be dropped off

Post office has mistakenly sent some ballots back to voters
Lance McDaniel

Montezuma County Clerk and Recorder Kim Percell recommended Thursday that those still seeking to vote in the Lance McDaniel recall election drop their ballots at the 24-hour drop box at the clerk’s office.

Post office machines have been inadvertently flipping some envelopes and returning them back to voters, she said.

Percell recommended that voters who recently mailed out their ballots check their ballot status at “Go Vote Colorado” on the Colorado Secretary of State’s website.

If a voter mistakenly receives their ballot back, he or she should avoid the post office entirely and drop it off at the 24-hour drop box at the county clerk’s office, at 140 W. Main St. in Cortez.

A recall election seeking to remove Lance McDaniel from the Montezeuma-Cortez School District RE-1 Board of Education is scheduled for Feb. 16.

The election comes after a petition filed in July asserted that McDaniel should be removed because of his outspoken social media posts, including some about progressive causes. Supporters of McDaniel argue that he works diligently for the school board and that he should not be punished for exercising his right to free speech.