
County administrator search begins

Two weeks after the sudden resignation of Montezuma County Administrator Ashton Harrison, the search is on for his successor.

The Board of County Commissioners on Monday approved the job description and qualifications and will start advertising the position. Commissioner Steve Chappell said the county was open to hiring a budget-savvy member of the local business community, but the job will also be posted with Colorado Counties, Inc., and the Colorado Municipal League, two organizations well-versed in local governance issues.

Harrison’s salary was $91,284 a year.

As chair, Chappell is acting as a stand-in administrator, fielding calls formerly destined for Harrison that need an executive decision.

Financial officers Amber Kingery and Lynette Reece will continue handling the administration office’s day-to-day operations.

“They’re both very capable,” Chappell said.

The Montezuma County administrator’s busiest time of the year is October and November, when the following fiscal year’s budget is hashed out.

“(The fall months) are decision-making time. We look at the previous year, then take comments from all the department heads to find out their needs. Then we look to balance those needs without going over budget,” Chappell said.