
Cortez Public Library to host online writing workshops

The Journal

With the Second Ever Literary Festival postponed until 2021, several of the authors who would have presented workshops in September will offer one-hour talks for writers of all stripes, through the Cortez Public Library’s Zoom space.

Workshops are limited to 20 participants on a first-come, first-registered basis. Participants may sign up for as many as workshops as they would like, but are asked to let the library if they cannot attend so someone on the waiting list can take their place.

There workshops are scheduled, with more to be announced:

Saturday, June 20: 10-11 a.m. Victor Loun, author and former high school English teacher, will present “Using literary devices to give your writing pop and zing!” From the art of alliteration to onomatopoeia to understatement, these writing tools are indispensable to the writing craft.Saturday, June 27: 10-11 a.m. DelSheree Gladden, author of young adult, mystery and romance novels will present “The indie author life: getting started, gaining a following and building a brand.” Learn what it takes to go solo when producing a market-ready book, and more.Wednesday, July 8: 6-7 p.m. Ginger Gaffney is the author of “Half Broke.” She is also a top-ranked horse trainer. Her memoir shows deep insight into the ways both horses and humans seek relationships. Gaffney’s workshop, “Bring your best friend to the story: writing our animals onto the page” is open to young writers and adults. This workshop will offer suggestions on how best to give special creatures the respect and attention they deserve.To register for events or to get more information, call 565-8117 or email